5 Asja, Mida Loodetavasti Obama Kuubas Nägi - Matador Network

5 Asja, Mida Loodetavasti Obama Kuubas Nägi - Matador Network
5 Asja, Mida Loodetavasti Obama Kuubas Nägi - Matador Network

Foto + Video + film


1. Lahedad muusikud

Muusika ja Kuuba käivad koos nagu rumm ja koks. Armastus esimesel lonksu või sel juhul esimese loo peal. Foto: Jason Napolitano.

As you wonder through the streets all you have to do is follow the music and you're sure to find something interesting. Photo: Jason Napolitano
As you wonder through the streets all you have to do is follow the music and you're sure to find something interesting. Photo: Jason Napolitano

Tänavatel imestades peate vaid jälgima muusikat ja leidma kindlasti midagi huvitavat. Foto: Jason Napolitano

2. rad klassikalised autod

It's not all classic American cars in Cuba. Checking the surf driving down the coast in an old VW just feels right. Photo: Jason Napolitano
It's not all classic American cars in Cuba. Checking the surf driving down the coast in an old VW just feels right. Photo: Jason Napolitano

See pole kõik Kuuba klassikalised Ameerika autod. Vanas VW-s rannikul sõites surfi kontrollides tundub see lihtsalt õige olevat. Foto: Jason Napolitano

Rusty buckets with rustic buildings. Just throw a little blue paint on them and they're good as Cuban. Photo: Jason Napolitano
Rusty buckets with rustic buildings. Just throw a little blue paint on them and they're good as Cuban. Photo: Jason Napolitano

Roostevabad kopad maalähedaste ehitistega. Visake neile lihtsalt väike sinine värv ja nad on kuubalasena head. Foto: Jason Napolitano

3. Sõbralikud kohalikud elanikud

Lost? Just ask. Some of the friendliest people you'll ever meet. Old man pointing us in the direction of the best mojito in Trinadad. Photo: Jason Napolitano
Lost? Just ask. Some of the friendliest people you'll ever meet. Old man pointing us in the direction of the best mojito in Trinadad. Photo: Jason Napolitano

Unustasid? Lihtsalt küsi. Mõned kõige sõbralikumad inimesed, keda te kunagi kohanud olete. Vanamees osutas meile Trinadadi parima mojito suunas. Foto: Jason Napolitano

Cuba is home to some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Three young boys enjoying the blue Caribbean. Photo: Jason Napolitano
Cuba is home to some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Three young boys enjoying the blue Caribbean. Photo: Jason Napolitano

Kuubal asuvad mõned maailma kauneimad rannad. Kolm noort poissi naudivad sinist Kariibi merd. Foto: Jason Napolitano

4. Viñalesi org ja tubakaväljad

Beautiful Viñales, a small farm town in the north where most of the Cuban tobacco is grown. Photo: Jason Napolitano
Beautiful Viñales, a small farm town in the north where most of the Cuban tobacco is grown. Photo: Jason Napolitano

Ilus Viñales, väike talulinn põhjas, kus kasvatatakse enamust Kuuba tubakat. Foto: Jason Napolitano

Green gold. Viñales tabaco is what the majority of Cuban cigars are made from. Photo: Jason Napolitano
Green gold. Viñales tabaco is what the majority of Cuban cigars are made from. Photo: Jason Napolitano

Roheline kuld. Enamik Kuuba sigaritest on valmistatud Viñales tabaco. Foto: Jason Napolitano

5. Värviline arhitektuur

Old and new, beautiful texture everywhere you look. Photo: Jason Napolitano
Old and new, beautiful texture everywhere you look. Photo: Jason Napolitano

Vana ja uus, ilus tekstuur kõikjal, kuhu vaatate. Foto: Jason Napolitano
