28 Fotot, Millel On Näha, Kuidas Los Angeles Muutub Uueks New Yorgi - Matadori Võrgustikuks

28 Fotot, Millel On Näha, Kuidas Los Angeles Muutub Uueks New Yorgi - Matadori Võrgustikuks
28 Fotot, Millel On Näha, Kuidas Los Angeles Muutub Uueks New Yorgi - Matadori Võrgustikuks





Elasin viis aastat Los Angeleses. See oli suur, vali ja kohati haisev, nii et sellel olid tõesti iga suure suurlinna kõik tunnused, kuid see oli laiali. Nüüd New Yorgis elades vaatan oma seal viibitud aega tagasi ja mõistan, et see ei tundunud kunagi linna moodi. Langust oli lihtsalt liiga palju. Mul oli hiljuti võimalus naasta esimest korda aastate jooksul Los Angelesse ja olin üllatunud, kui palju see oli muutunud. Uued arengud ja uued linnakorraldused muudavad Los Angelese kesklinna maastikku. Siit saate teada, kuidas.

Brunchers at Zinc Cafe in the Arts District. As Downtown Los Angeles becomes more centralized and popular compared to the rest of the city and county, lunch meetings in the more laid-back arts district have become a popular way to spend the mid-afternoon. This has, in turn, caused a spike in rent and development in the area. Gentrification at its finest
Brunchers at Zinc Cafe in the Arts District. As Downtown Los Angeles becomes more centralized and popular compared to the rest of the city and county, lunch meetings in the more laid-back arts district have become a popular way to spend the mid-afternoon. This has, in turn, caused a spike in rent and development in the area. Gentrification at its finest

Kunstnike ringkonna kohvik Cinc kohvikus. Kuna Los Angelese kesklinn muutub ülejäänud linna ja maakonnaga võrreldes tsentraliseeritumaks ja populaarsemaks, on lõunakohtumistest vaiksemas kunstiringkonnas muutunud populaarseks viisiks pärastlõunase aja veetmiseks. See on omakorda põhjustanud üürikorterite kasvu ja piirkonna arengut. Gentrifikatsioon on oma parima.

The all-vegetarian cafe, Zinc, was one of the first new restaurants to open in the Arts District as part of the new wave of development in the area. Los Angeles' food scene has always been among the best in the world, but since 2009, Downtown Los Angeles has added dozens of restaurants, many appearing on
The all-vegetarian cafe, Zinc, was one of the first new restaurants to open in the Arts District as part of the new wave of development in the area. Los Angeles' food scene has always been among the best in the world, but since 2009, Downtown Los Angeles has added dozens of restaurants, many appearing on

Kõigi taimetoitlaste kohvik Zinc oli üks esimesi uusi restorane, mis Kunstide rajoonis avati piirkonna uue arengulaine osana. Los Angelese toidumaastik on alati olnud maailma parimate seas, kuid alates 2009. aastast on Los Angelese kesklinn lisanud kümneid restorane, paljud neist on ilmunud “Parimate riigis” nimekirjade allikates, mis on nii laiad nagu Yelp ja New York Times.

A bartender at Zinc takes orders after the lunch rush. The stereotype of the artist working in bars to provide is a staple of the Los Angeles image and a constant source of derogatory comments towards those in the service industry, and yet more and more New Yorkers are moving to take part due to the lower rent and better weather. The effects are already being noticed: prices of rent have jumped more than 10% over the national average in the last two years alone
A bartender at Zinc takes orders after the lunch rush. The stereotype of the artist working in bars to provide is a staple of the Los Angeles image and a constant source of derogatory comments towards those in the service industry, and yet more and more New Yorkers are moving to take part due to the lower rent and better weather. The effects are already being noticed: prices of rent have jumped more than 10% over the national average in the last two years alone

Zincis tegutsev baarmen võtab pärast lõunapausi tellimusi vastu. Baarides töötava kunstniku stereotüüp on Los Angelese kuvandi põhiosa ja pidev alav kommentaaride allikas teenindussektoris tegutsejate suhtes ning üha enam newyorklasi on madalama üüri ja parem ilm. Mõju on juba märgatud: üürihinnad on ainuüksi viimase kahe aasta jooksul tõusnud riigi keskmisest rohkem kui 10%.

For the past fifty years, Los Angeles has seen a number of important office buildings lie empty, despite their grandiose designs incorporating complex marble and wood work. Not only are these buildings now seeing an increase in use, but rent is actually skyrocketing. Here, a receptionist works in the lobby of the Southern California Edison Power Company building, now owned by PacMutual. The building is currently being renovated to bring out it's 1930s charm
For the past fifty years, Los Angeles has seen a number of important office buildings lie empty, despite their grandiose designs incorporating complex marble and wood work. Not only are these buildings now seeing an increase in use, but rent is actually skyrocketing. Here, a receptionist works in the lobby of the Southern California Edison Power Company building, now owned by PacMutual. The building is currently being renovated to bring out it's 1930s charm

Viimase viiekümne aasta jooksul on Los Angeles näinud mitut olulist büroohoonet tühjana, vaatamata nende grandioossetele kujundustele, mis sisaldavad keerulisi marmori- ja puutöid. Nendes hoonetes ei ole mitte ainult kasutus nüüd kasvanud, vaid ka rent tõuseb kiiresti. Siin töötab administraator Lõuna-California Edison Power Company hoone fuajees, mis nüüd kuulub PacMutualile. Hoone renoveeritakse praegu, et tuua esile 1930. aastate võlu.

Customers order coffee from the temporary G&B Coffee Stand in Grand Central Market. The main store is closed down for renovations - during the initial rush to modernize the Grand Central Market in 2013, the original G&B was built in only 6 days. Now that business is growing at such an exponential rate, a massive expansion was sorely needed
Customers order coffee from the temporary G&B Coffee Stand in Grand Central Market. The main store is closed down for renovations - during the initial rush to modernize the Grand Central Market in 2013, the original G&B was built in only 6 days. Now that business is growing at such an exponential rate, a massive expansion was sorely needed

Kliendid tellivad kohvi Grand Central Marketis asuvalt ajutiselt G&B kohvijalt. Põhipood suletakse renoveerimiseks - 2013. aastal Grandi keskturu moderniseerimise alguse ajal ehitati algne G&B vaid 6 päevaga. Nüüd, kui äri kasvab sellise eksponentsiaalse kiirusega, oli vaja tohutult laieneda.

With the increase in centralized development, Los Angeles has made sure to focus on parks and congregation areas, ranging from microparks like the one shown above, located next to the historic Bradbury Building, to the massive Park 101, an ambitious plan to cover the entire downtown stretch of the 101 freeway with a massive green area
With the increase in centralized development, Los Angeles has made sure to focus on parks and congregation areas, ranging from microparks like the one shown above, located next to the historic Bradbury Building, to the massive Park 101, an ambitious plan to cover the entire downtown stretch of the 101 freeway with a massive green area

Tsentraliseeritud arengu suurenemisega on Los Angeles kindlalt keskendunud parkidele ja koguduste piirkondadele, alates ülaltoodud mikroparkidest, mis asuvad ajaloolise Bradbury hoone kõrval, kuni massiivse Park 101-ni, mis on ambitsioonikas plaan katta kogu maanteel 101 asuva massiivse haljasalaga piirkond.

The Grand Central Market in the Homer Laughlin Building. The market has been in operation for over 100 years, but has recently seen huge renovations and new tenants, more than 90 in total. The recent additions of residential units above the market have turned it into Los Angeles' first true mixed-use development in decades
The Grand Central Market in the Homer Laughlin Building. The market has been in operation for over 100 years, but has recently seen huge renovations and new tenants, more than 90 in total. The recent additions of residential units above the market have turned it into Los Angeles' first true mixed-use development in decades

Homer Laughlini hoones asuv suur keskturg. Turg on tegutsenud üle 100 aasta, kuid viimasel ajal on seal toimunud tohutuid remonditöid ja uusi üürnikke, kokku üle 90. Turu kohal asuvate elamute hiljutised lisandumised on muutnud selle Los Angelese esimeseks tõeliseks segakasutuse arenduseks aastakümnete jooksul.

'Like New York before it, Los Angeles has developed a strong culture of
'Like New York before it, Los Angeles has developed a strong culture of

Nagu New York enne seda, on ka Los Angeleses välja kujunenud tugev kõnniteekohvikute kultuur, mis on loodud kiireks söömiseks, samal ajal jalgsi liikudes. Siin veedavad kaks jalakäijat enne oma teele asumist mõni minut Grand Central Marketist toitu.

Crossing Broadway on the way to the Grand Central Market in Downtown Los Angeles. Despite the huge amount of growth, there are still a number of original buildings that have not been sold or bulldozed, due to specific zoning or family ownership. These single-story establishments, such as the Home of the Original Shrimp Place, are becoming more and more rare as Los Angeles builds itself upwards
Crossing Broadway on the way to the Grand Central Market in Downtown Los Angeles. Despite the huge amount of growth, there are still a number of original buildings that have not been sold or bulldozed, due to specific zoning or family ownership. These single-story establishments, such as the Home of the Original Shrimp Place, are becoming more and more rare as Los Angeles builds itself upwards

Broadway ületamine teel Los Angelese kesklinnas asuvasse Grand Central Marketisse. Vaatamata tohutule kasvule, on endiselt mitmeid originaalseid hooneid, mida pole konkreetse tsoneerimise või perekonna omamise tõttu müüdud ega buldoositud. Need ühekorruselised asutused, nagu näiteks Original Shrimp Place, muutuvad üha harvemaks, kui Los Angeles ennast üles ehitab.

'The kitchen staff at Eggslut, a popular food truck-turned-brick-and-mortar, work on the morning rush. Over the course of the day, they will serve over 2000 of their signature dish called
'The kitchen staff at Eggslut, a popular food truck-turned-brick-and-mortar, work on the morning rush. Over the course of the day, they will serve over 2000 of their signature dish called

Populaarse toidukäru - tellistest-mördist - Eggsluti köögitöötajad töötavad hommikupoolikul. Päeva jooksul serveerivad nad üle 2000 oma allkirjaroa nimega “sluts”, kodustatud munad kartulipüreele, keedetud klaasist pudelisse. Eggslut nimetati hiljuti Ameerika kümne parima uue restorani hulka.

Though popularly known as a city of cars, Los Angeles once had a thriving streetcar system for public transportation that disappeared by the '60s due to lobbying in the automobile industry. However, with recent approvals for an expansion in the Metro lines and a bid for the 2024 Olympics in the works, Los Angeles is set on a path for a public transportation system to rival New York's MTA
Though popularly known as a city of cars, Los Angeles once had a thriving streetcar system for public transportation that disappeared by the '60s due to lobbying in the automobile industry. However, with recent approvals for an expansion in the Metro lines and a bid for the 2024 Olympics in the works, Los Angeles is set on a path for a public transportation system to rival New York's MTA

Ehkki rahva seas tuntud kui autode linn, oli Los Angelesel kunagi edukas ühistranspordi tänavasõiduautode süsteem, mis kadus 60ndatel aastatel autotööstuse lobitöö tõttu. Hiljuti heaks kiidetud metrooliinide laiendamise ja teoste pakkumisega 2024. aasta olümpiamängudele seatakse Los Angeles siiski ühistranspordi süsteemi teele, et konkureerida New Yorgi MTA-ga.

The Los Angeles Flower is the largest floral market in the country and sells everything form tiny cactus to fully-grown palm trees
The Los Angeles Flower is the largest floral market in the country and sells everything form tiny cactus to fully-grown palm trees

Los Angelese lill on riigi suurim lilleturg, kus müüakse kõike, mis moodustab pisikese kaktuse, täielikult kasvatatud palmipuudele.

The photographer looks over the sunrise colors of the city from his room at Level Furnished Living. Level provides short stay apartments, meaning you can't stay there long enough to move in and you can't stay short enough to treat it like a hotel. As a new, booming creative class moves into the city, this style of living has become increasingly popular for those who want to avoid a lease
The photographer looks over the sunrise colors of the city from his room at Level Furnished Living. Level provides short stay apartments, meaning you can't stay there long enough to move in and you can't stay short enough to treat it like a hotel. As a new, booming creative class moves into the city, this style of living has become increasingly popular for those who want to avoid a lease

Fotograaf vaatab oma toast Level Furnished Living'is üle linna päikesetõusu värvid. Tase pakub lühiajalisi kortereid, mis tähendab, et te ei saa seal viibimiseks piisavalt kauaks jääda ja te ei saa jääda piisavalt lühikeseks, et kohelda seda nagu hotelli. Kui linna kolib uus õitsev loomeklass, on see elamisviis muutunud üha populaarsemaks neile, kes soovivad üürilepingust hoiduda.

A new building going up on the corner of 8th and Olive. There are nearly 100 new developments in the DTLA area, with the majority being dedicated to either office space or luxury residences
A new building going up on the corner of 8th and Olive. There are nearly 100 new developments in the DTLA area, with the majority being dedicated to either office space or luxury residences

Uus hoone läheb 8. ja Olive nurgale üles. DTLA piirkonnas on peaaegu 100 uut arendust, millest suurem osa on pühendatud kontoripindadele või luksuslike elukohtadele.

Los Angeles ei peaks isegi linn olema. Ainus põhjus, miks see karmis kõrbekliimas ellu asus, on Owensi jõe suunamine veega varustamiseks (nagu dramatiseeritud filmis Chinatown). Plusskülg siinse linna olemasolul on päikesetõusud ja -loojangud - pilved on tavaliselt hõredad ja õhustikus kõrgel, luues linna kaubamärgi oranžiks ja roosaks.

Downtown Los Angeles in the morning. There are nearly 100 new developments being built in the area; the tall building under construction will be the new headquarters of Korean Air. When it tops out, it will be the tallest building west of the Mississippi
Downtown Los Angeles in the morning. There are nearly 100 new developments being built in the area; the tall building under construction will be the new headquarters of Korean Air. When it tops out, it will be the tallest building west of the Mississippi

Los Angelese kesklinnas hommikul. Piirkonda ehitatakse ligi 100 uut arendust; ehitatavast kõrgest hoonest saab Korea Airi uus peakorter. Kui see välja jõuab, on see Mississipist läänes kõrgeim hoone.

Los Angeles' sprawl can be attributed to decades of construction limited by a city ordinance limiting buildings to 150 feet, with only City Hall (the white building to the left) allowed to exceed this at 454 feet. Recent buildings got around the height limit by literally buying the unused airspace from buildings that didn't hit the limit. That ordinance has since been removed, allowing Los Angeles to begin growing upwards like never before
Los Angeles' sprawl can be attributed to decades of construction limited by a city ordinance limiting buildings to 150 feet, with only City Hall (the white building to the left) allowed to exceed this at 454 feet. Recent buildings got around the height limit by literally buying the unused airspace from buildings that didn't hit the limit. That ordinance has since been removed, allowing Los Angeles to begin growing upwards like never before

Los Angelese valglinnastumist võib seostada aastakümnete pikkuse ehitusega, mille piiras linnakorraldus, mis piiras ehitisi 150 jala kõrguseks, kusjuures ainult raekojas (vasakul asuv valge hoone) lubati seda ületada 454 jalga. Viimased ehitised said kõrgusepiiri ümber, ostes kasutamata õhuruumi sõna otseses mõttes hoonetelt, mis ei ületanud piiri. Sellest ajast alates on see korraldus eemaldatud, võimaldades Los Angelesel kasvada ülespoole nagu mitte kunagi varem.

The Orpheum Theatre stands in front of the sprawl of East Los Angeles, spreading from Broadway out past the limits of DTLA towards San Bernadino. The Orpheum is part of the Broadway Theatre District, which saw incredible growth in the golden age of cinema before taking a turn for the worse in the '50s. While the other theatres have seen minimal restoration, the Orpheum has seen millions of dollars of work to bring it up to modern standards
The Orpheum Theatre stands in front of the sprawl of East Los Angeles, spreading from Broadway out past the limits of DTLA towards San Bernadino. The Orpheum is part of the Broadway Theatre District, which saw incredible growth in the golden age of cinema before taking a turn for the worse in the '50s. While the other theatres have seen minimal restoration, the Orpheum has seen millions of dollars of work to bring it up to modern standards

Orpheumi teater seisab Ida-Los Angelese laialivalguvuse ees, levides Broadwayst DTLA piiridest San Bernadino poole. Orpheum on osa Broadway teatripiirkonnast, mis nägi enne kino 50ndate kuldajastu uskumatut kasvu, enne kui 50ndatel pööre halvemaks läks. Kui teised teatrid on näinud minimaalset restaureerimist, on Orpheum näinud miljoneid dollareid tööd, et viia see kaasaegsete standarditeni.

The Los Angeles Skyline is very homogeneous because of earthquake and fire regulations that required every building to have a helicopter pad on the roof, which was seen as very restricting to architects. This measure was removed in 2014 (so long as buildings have extra safety features), thus heralding in a bevy of new designs specifically to update the skyline
The Los Angeles Skyline is very homogeneous because of earthquake and fire regulations that required every building to have a helicopter pad on the roof, which was seen as very restricting to architects. This measure was removed in 2014 (so long as buildings have extra safety features), thus heralding in a bevy of new designs specifically to update the skyline

Los Angeles Skyline on väga homogeenne maavärina ja tuleohutuse tõttu, mille kohaselt pidi igal hoonel olema katusel helikopteripadi, mida peeti arhitektide jaoks väga piiravaks. See meede kaotati 2014. aastal (niikaua kui hoonetel on täiendavad turvaelemendid), andes sellega alguse uute projektide hulgast, mis on spetsiaalselt ette nähtud horisondi ajakohastamiseks.

Külastajad imetlevad Jeff Koonsi “Kolme palli 50/50 paaki” kaasaegse kunsti muuseumis. Koonsi teos “Balloon Dog (Orange)” müüdi hiljuti enam kui 50 miljoni dollari eest, muutes selle elava kunstniku ajaloos kõige kallimaks müügiks. “Õhupalli koer (sinine)” võõrustatakse ka Laias.

Inside the first primary installation of the Broad Museum of Contemporary Art: Yayoi Kusama's Souls of Millions of Light Years Away. The mirrored room is the first primary installation in the Broad Museum of Contemporary Art, which opened in September. There have been 50 new gallery openings in downtown Los Angeles in the last two years
Inside the first primary installation of the Broad Museum of Contemporary Art: Yayoi Kusama's Souls of Millions of Light Years Away. The mirrored room is the first primary installation in the Broad Museum of Contemporary Art, which opened in September. There have been 50 new gallery openings in downtown Los Angeles in the last two years

Kaasaegse kunsti laia muuseumi esimeses esmases installatsioonis: Yayoi Kusama miljonite valgusaastate kaugusel olevad hinged. Peegeltuba on esimene esmane installatsioon septembris avatud Kaasaegse Kunsti muuseumis. Viimase kahe aasta jooksul on Los Angelese kesklinnas olnud 50 uut galerii avamist.

The Broad Museum is financed for $140 million dollars by philanthropist Eli Broad and designed by the architecture firm of Diller Scofidio + Renfro. One of the more experimental bits of architecture in the city, it's comprised of two parts: the Veil and the Vault. The veil is a large, porous, clothe-like sheet that covers the flowing concrete of the Vault. It opened in September, 2015
The Broad Museum is financed for $140 million dollars by philanthropist Eli Broad and designed by the architecture firm of Diller Scofidio + Renfro. One of the more experimental bits of architecture in the city, it's comprised of two parts: the Veil and the Vault. The veil is a large, porous, clothe-like sheet that covers the flowing concrete of the Vault. It opened in September, 2015

Laimuuseumi rahastab filantroop Eli Broad 140 miljoni dollari eest ja selle on kavandanud Diller Scofidio + Renfro arhitektuuribüroo. See on üks linna eksperimentaalsemaid bitte, mis koosneb kahest osast: loorist ja võlvist. Loor on suur, poorne, riidetaoline leht, mis katab Vault voolava betooni. See avati septembris 2015.

Pedestrians explore the area near the Broad Museum, also home to the restaurant Otium and the Museum of Contemporary Art. While the area has traditionally been the civic center of the city (being home to the courts and police precincts), it has seen a revitalization of the arts culture in recent years, making it a much more cultured block
Pedestrians explore the area near the Broad Museum, also home to the restaurant Otium and the Museum of Contemporary Art. While the area has traditionally been the civic center of the city (being home to the courts and police precincts), it has seen a revitalization of the arts culture in recent years, making it a much more cultured block

Jalakäijad uurivad laia muuseumi läheduses asuvat ala, kus asuvad ka restoran Otium ja kaasaegse kunsti muuseum. Kui piirkond on traditsiooniliselt olnud linna tsentraalne keskus (koduks kohtutele ja politseipiirkondadele), on see viimastel aastatel kunstikultuuri elavdanud, muutes selle palju kultiveeritumaks plokkiks.

Otium is a new restaurant by Chef Timothy Hollingsworth, who trained under Thomas Keller in Napa's world-famous French Laundry. Hollingsworth represented the United States at the Bocuse d’Or World Cuisine Contest-the biennial global cooking competition first envisioned in 1987 by revered French chef Paul Bocuse, where he placed sixth
Otium is a new restaurant by Chef Timothy Hollingsworth, who trained under Thomas Keller in Napa's world-famous French Laundry. Hollingsworth represented the United States at the Bocuse d’Or World Cuisine Contest-the biennial global cooking competition first envisioned in 1987 by revered French chef Paul Bocuse, where he placed sixth

Otium on peakokk Timothy Hollingsworthi uus restoran, kes treenis Thomas Kelleri käe all Napa maailmakuulsas prantsuse pesumajas. Hollingsworth esindas USA-d Bocuse d'Ori ülemaailmsel köögikonkursil - biennaalil toimuval ülemaailmsel kokandusvõistlusel, mille esmakordselt kavandas 1987. aastal auväärne prantsuse peakokk Paul Bocuse, kus ta kuulus kuuendaks.

A film crew relaxes during a long day of filming a documentary about Otium, the new restaurant by head chef Timothy Hollingsworth. Film crews are nothing new at Otium: Hollingsworth previously promoted the opening of his restaurant with 4 minute-long a movie trailer
A film crew relaxes during a long day of filming a documentary about Otium, the new restaurant by head chef Timothy Hollingsworth. Film crews are nothing new at Otium: Hollingsworth previously promoted the opening of his restaurant with 4 minute-long a movie trailer

Filmimeeskond lõõgastub pika peakokk Timothy Hollingsworthi dokumentaalfilmi Otiumist - uuest restoranist - filmimise päeval. Filmimeeskonnad pole Otiumis midagi uut: Hollingsworth propageeris varem oma restorani avamist 4-minutise filmitreileriga.

Decorations in Skingraft, a boutique clothing store on Spring Street. While Los Angeles has not typically been America's home of fashion, Skingraft is one of many boutique clothing stores that have moved into the area as part of a fashion renaissance. Saint Laurent moved their studio to Los Angeles, while Burberry held their fashion show at the Griffith Observatory
Decorations in Skingraft, a boutique clothing store on Spring Street. While Los Angeles has not typically been America's home of fashion, Skingraft is one of many boutique clothing stores that have moved into the area as part of a fashion renaissance. Saint Laurent moved their studio to Los Angeles, while Burberry held their fashion show at the Griffith Observatory

Teenetemärgid Kevadtänava butiigirõivaste kaupluses Skingraft. Kui Los Angeles pole tavaliselt olnud Ameerika moemaja, on Skingraft üks paljudest butiikidest rõivakauplustest, mis on sellesse piirkonda kolinud moesündmuste osana. Saint Laurent kolis nende stuudio Los Angelesse, samal ajal kui Burberry pidas nende moeetenduse Griffithi observatooriumis.

A galaxy of macaroons from Bottega Louie on 7th. The French-style patisserie opened in 2009 and by 2012 was named the Most Popular Restaurant in America by Yelp
A galaxy of macaroons from Bottega Louie on 7th. The French-style patisserie opened in 2009 and by 2012 was named the Most Popular Restaurant in America by Yelp

Bottega Louie'st pärit makaroonide galaktika 7. päeval. Prantsuse stiilis kondiitritooted avati 2009. aastal ja 2012. aastal nimetati seda Yelpi poolt Ameerika populaarseimaks restoraniks.
